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B U I L D I N G   O N   E X P E R I E N C E

With more than 20 years of building experience in Melbourne, Willow Building Co. builds more than just homes. We create bespoke residences and townhouses of distinction.


We pride ourselves on the trust we build with our clients. We listen and we care.


Combined with our building industry experience, our process is as reliable, smart and seamless as the final result.

O U R   D I F F E R E N C E ?   I T ' S   P E R S O N A L

At Willow Building Co, you’re not just another number. We only take on a set amount of work to ensure you enjoy direct contact with our directors. Our transparent and up-front approach to service is another way we stand apart in the industry.

S T A Y   I N F O R M E D   A N D   I N   C O N T R O L

We ensure you are informed from beginning to end, with multiple on-site meetings every week so you can see your new home take shape.


M O R E   V A L U E .   M O R E   C O N F I D E N C E .

We believe in being honest and transparent in every way, which is why we customise our budgets and timelines to suit you. This way there are no hidden surprises, so you can be sure you’ll be getting the home you’ve always dreamed of.


E V E R Y   H O M E   I S   D I F F E R E N T

While we bring decades of experience in both volume and custom homes, we know there’s no such thing as one size fits all. We work with you to build homes to suit your brief and budget.


D E S I G N   D R I V E N   &   P R O B L E M   S O L V I N G

By developing creative solutions and providing a more open approach, we make the entire process easy from the first conversation to final handover. We enjoy working together with architects to find solutions to meet every design need and want; including sloping sites, basements and complex engineering challenges.




    0402 810 576


    0419 340 732

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